[Pythonmac-SIG] how do I use twisted cfreactor?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Jan 14 21:53:17 CET 2005

The issue you're having sounds like it's either something really easy 
or really hard to fix.  If you post code I'll track it down, but I 
don't have the time this weekend to debug-by-mail.

Your crash aside, it should be done in this order:

1) Install cfreactor
2) Load up all the classes
3) AppHelper.runEventLoop
4) From 'applicationDidFinishLaunching:' do any Twisted stuff.  You 
*should* call reactor.run() at the end.  It doesn't actually block 
because it integrates into the NSRunLoop, but it should still be 


On Jan 14, 2005, at 15:32, Kevin Dangoor wrote:

> Replying to myself is always fun.
> I decided to try a more minimal test, eliminating everything but 
> PyObjC and Cheetah. It does indeed appear to be the case that I get a 
> Bus Error if I render a Cheetah template from within an action called 
> by a menu item. This happens even when Cheetah is 100% python.
> The bus error occurs after my action returns. This leads me to believe 
> that either there's something else I need to do in my class to handle 
> that action properly, or there is a bug in Cheetah or PyObjC.
> Even though Twisted is not at all at issue here, I'd still be curious 
> to hear if I'm setting up event handling properly...
> Kevin
> Kevin Dangoor wrote:
>>    I'm trying to mix Twisted and a Mac interface. I'm using PyObjC 
>> 1.2 and Twisted's trunk as of a few days back. All of this with 
>> Python 2.3. The combo appeared to be working until this morning. 
>> Intriguingly, the problem appeared when I added Cheetah (the template 
>> engine) to the mix. If I remove Cheetah *or* I remove PyObjC, 
>> everything appears to be happy.
>> The basic order in which I'm doing things is:
>> 1) install cfreactor,
>> 2) load up my nib-based controller class,
>> 3) tell the reactor to start listening on a TCP port,
>> 4) (reactor.run) -- I had this line in there but then removed it 
>> without a difference in behavior
>> 5) AppHelper.runEventLoop
>> I'm not exactly sure how or why introducing Cheetah could have this 
>> effect. I even moved Cheetah's one C module out of the way (falling 
>> back to straight Python code), but that didn't seem to have an 
>> effect. I figured it was time to double check that I'm doing the 
>> right things in getting things running.
>> Is there anything glaringly obvious in that list of steps that should 
>> be different or in a different order?

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