[Pythonmac-SIG] Appscript Binary Installer Feedback

Nick Matsakis matsakis at mit.edu
Thu Jan 13 18:00:07 CET 2005

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> Click-through is pretty standard with an installer package, I'd go
> ahead and do it.

Why? Does it indemnify anyone if someone uses appscript to run a nuclear
sub? No one reads that stuff anyway.

> I would install them automatically.  If they are on the disk image,
> people will run them before installing, and they will not work due to
> missing dependencies.

These apps are faceless background apps that help speed appscript but are
not required for it to run properly.

> Are you using py2app's bdist_mpkg to build this package or are you
> doing it by hand?

I'm using Apple's PackageMaker tool.


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