[Pythonmac-SIG] Zope py2app, some progress

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu Feb 10 09:16:02 CET 2005

On Feb 10, 2005, at 3:00 AM, Roger Binns wrote:

>>> So don't bother building a 10.3 version.  The 10.2 version should 
>>> work fine.
> That is what was tried first - we don't want the extra work!  I don't
> know what the issue was, but there was some incompatibility.

There shouldn't be.  If there is, it's probably libusb's fault, nothing 
in Python or wxPython should have this problem.

There are issues with using a 10.3 machine to produce 10.2 compatible 
software, but vice versa should work fine.

>>> Did you know py2app had a --strip option, which does strip -x -S?
> Nope.  The way this works is that the example is copied, names
> changed and tweaks done until it works.  What isn't well documented
> doesn't get used.

Every option py2app takes is documented:

python setup.py py2app --help

>>> I couldn't find a compelling reason to use an uncompressed zip
> The only reason I could think of is if the Python internals memory
> map the file and use the objects as is.  If they were compressed
> then they would have to be decompressed to other memory.
> But I doubt Python does memory map the file.

Without even looking, I can pretty much say for sure that it does not 
:)  Python strings can't be mmap backed, anyway.

> BTW I hate that drag and dropping stuff.  It is fine for experiments
> but not appropriate for repeatable reliable controlled builds.  What
> is even more annoying is tools like Apple's Help indexer that can
> *only* be run using drag and drop.  Not that it matters since I can't
> get Apple's help working anyway.

open -a "Application" document

Anyway, I was using drag + drop as an example (I don't use it much for 
this sort of thing).  Given references to a few files, py2app can fill 
in almost all of the blanks.  If there are no data dependencies, py2app 
should be able to fill in all the blanks (except for version).  It will 
use the name of the main script as the name of the application, and it 
will look for an icon with the same name and .icns extension.

You're probably not setting the right plist keys or something for 
Apple's help.


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