[Pythonmac-SIG] Mac PyImport_ImportModule("modulename")

Zhi Peng zhiyong_peng2003 at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 10 05:45:38 CET 2005

Hi! Bob
  I have not tried to append current directory in sys.path. Maybe I need to do sth 
  sys.path.append("./") and then do import. The module is installed in MacPython package. The os module is in python23.dylib so it can find it and import it. But my module is just a py file. 

Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com> wrote:
On Dec 9, 2005, at 4:41 PM, Zhi Peng wrote:

> In my c code, I have used myMod=PyImport_ImportModule("moduleName") 
> and run on Mac, but it just can not import the "moduleName" for 
> some unknown reason.
> I am sure I install the "moduleName" by "pythonw setup install". 
> And I can import "moduleName" from command lines such as
> >pythonw
> >import moduleName
> >
> It is fine. I wonder why PyImport_ImportModule can not import it, 
> while it can import module os by using
> PyImport_ImportModule("os")
> Any suggestion?

Are you sure it's the same version of Python, and the module is on 
sys.path? Check sys.version and sys.path



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