[Pythonmac-SIG] RE: What is a good working environment?

Lee Cullens lee_cullens at mac.com
Tue Apr 5 14:20:02 CEST 2005

What is a good working environment?

All of what Bob did for us is nice for exploring changes in 2.4 but is 
still too much of a WIP.   I (as many of you) need to get on with some 
development work though and was wondering what basis to work from.

Mostly what I will be doing is prototyping components of larger systems 
(and then maybe convincing them they can't do it any better than with 
Python :)), and multimedia presentations (beyond Director) that include 
animation (2d and 3D) and reinforcing gaming (word puzzels, image 
puzzles, and combinations).

What I want to do for myself I'm content with doing only for Mac OS X 
(10.3.8+) and may deliver some via the web.  However, what little I do 
for corporate clients anymore (don't want to get bogged down in work 
work) they still seem to want for MS Windows :( dislike that platform).

Anyway, since all the components aren't there yet for Python 2.4 (and 
what are seem to be less than production quality), I'm assuming that at 
least 2.3 is solid enough (relatively speaking :).  At least all the 
components are there (with the caveat of what was recently discussed 
regarding overall coordination and quality control).  I'm also assuming 
that with the state of Python, Tiger will probably not go beyond 2.3 
(not asking you to make any frowned upon predictions).

So to look as well as possible on the Mac I should use what graphics 
components?  Then for MS Windows candidates (cross-platform) I should 
use wxPython for graphics components?  I *have* been perusing the 
components list (http://pythonmac.org/packages/) and brief 
descriptions, but only a limited amount of the detailed documentation 
so far.  One point about the component list - I should use only the 
component versions flagged for py2.3 if such is to be my production 
platform? (Dumb questions sometimes yield surprising answers)

Another very novice question - for the MS Windows executables do I need 
to transfer my script packages to my clunky old PC and construct such 
there, or can py2exe construct such on my Mac?

Thank you for your thoughts,
Lee C

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