[Pythonmac-SIG] PyQt-Mac project

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Mon Oct 25 10:34:33 CEST 2004

On 24-okt-04, at 22:41, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> | I'd like to make this accessible through the Package Manager, even 
> if it
> | is going to be a mostly-manual process (at least for PyQt, don't know
> | about Eric3) as which wxPython. So an installer that only installs 
> your
> | PyQt build and another one that installs only Eric3 would be very
> | welcome. And, of course, if either or both of these could be
> | distutils-based I would be really happy;-)
> | --
> I'm willing to give distutils a try--though I don't know how to use it
> at present. I'll do some digging and hacking and follow up if I have
> questions. Does wxPython make use of distutils, or just the Apple pkg
> installer?

Rebuilding the Qt and QScintilla installers with distutils is probably 
impossible, and definitely a lot of work, so I wouldn't try to tackle 
that if I were you. But PyQt may be a different matter, I don't know.

But Package Manager has some support for externally installed packages. 
For example, it knows about Tcl/Tk, and while it doesn't know how to 
install it it does know how to test whether it has been installed. And 
if it isn't installed it can point you to the website where you can 
find the installer and help you to run it (if applicable).

And because it knows whether tcl/tk is installed it can handle packages 
that depend on it, such as Idle: if you try to install Idle it will 
tell you that you first need to installl Tcl/Tk.

> Another thing to keep in mind is that PyQt requires a full installation
> of Qt and QScintilla to be useful. These could be included in Package
> Manager, but that will add considerably to the download time. Is that a
> problem? And can distutils handle Qt, or just the Python parts?

As to handling Qt and QScintilla: see above. As to download time: the 
intention is PackMan lowers this download time, because there'd be 4 
different things to download (Qt, QScintilla, PyQt, Eric3) and you'd 
only download those that you want. Moreover, you can decide on a 
per-package basis whether you want a source or binary install. I can 
imagine that someone would want to have source for eric3 but simply 
install the other three packages from binary distributions.
Jack Jansen, <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

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