[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript terminology caching #2

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Thu Oct 21 16:26:07 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I've posted a demonstration of appscript + ATS for folks to try:



- You'll need to install ATS, appscript, etc. on every machine you 
intend to script.

- For now you'll need to unstuff and launch ATS yourself. Suggest 
using Process Viewer to check it's running ok before you start using 

-  ATS'll write message to Console when caching and clearing 
terminology, just to keep you informed.

- To clear the ATS cache, use:

tell application "AppscriptTerminologyServer" to «event ATSrClrC» -- local

tell application 
"eppc://user:pass@ip-address/AppscriptTerminologyServer" to «event 
ATSrClrC» -- remote

- Local application scripting works exactly the same as before, only faster.

- Remote scripting now works, e.g.:

from appscript import *
print app('eppc://has:foobar@').documents[1].text.get()

- help() and htmldoc currently only work with local apps. If we go 
with ATS I'll add support for remote apps too.

Let me know what you think.



p.s. Appscript's help() method is also becoming a nice unique selling 
point. Currently AppleScripters have to shell out $$$ on Script 
Debugger to get inheritance and containment tree graphical viewers; 
appscript now has built-in text-based versions that work well in the 
interactive interpreter. Give it a spin and see what you think; 
suggestions for improvements and additions very welcome.

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