[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript terminology caching

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Fri Oct 15 22:01:45 CEST 2004

Jack wrote:

>I was thinking here of getting cached terminology from different 
>places. For example, think of an option in py2app, where it would 
>optionally precompile all the terminology needed and stuff it into 
>the application bundle.

Terminology resources belong to installed applications, not client 
scripts, so it wouldn't make sense to bundle it with the latter. 
(i.e. It's specific to a machine, not to a script.)

>But I guess this could just as easily be handled by the caching 
>engine searching multiple (configurable) places,

site-packages/appscript_cache would be one option. 
/Library/Caches/appscript and/or(?) ~/Library/Caches/appscript would 
be another. There may be others. Not sure where would be best. Not 
sure if it needs to be user configurable or not. (Think of 
use-cases?) Not sure about write permissions. Any thoughts?



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