[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: py2app: Packaging wxGlade

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Oct 15 01:20:04 CEST 2004

On Oct 14, 2004, at 4:00 PM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Bob,
> Thanks for the updated version of py2app and the patched script for
> wxGlade. After a couple of failed attempts, I got everything packaged
> up, and it runs beautifully. I will get a revised version of wxGlade
> available for downlaod from my website in the near future, and I'm also
> going to update the instructions on the various Python pages I 
> maintain.
> I want to change the generic app icon to a custom one in wxGlade--I'm
> assuming I can just do this by editing info.plist and adding the 
> correct
> .icns file to the app bundle? I haven't been able to find documentation
> to see how to do this directly in py2app.

Either specify iconfile as an option to py2app in the options 
dictionary or commandline, or specify the icon as a data_file and make 
sure that CFBundleIcon gets set to the name of the icon.  The pygame 
aliens example should do one of these approaches.


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