[Pythonmac-SIG] solution for matplotlib compile problems

Robert Brown brownr at ucalgary.ca
Sun Oct 10 22:19:30 CEST 2004

The latest version of matplotlib built out of the box for me... once I 
built libpng and freetype2.  It works great -- this really is a nice 
package.  Now all we need is some way to use Cocoa as a backend... 
maybe by writing PDF support?

On 29-Sep-04, at 1:50 PM, John Hunter wrote:

>>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Naples <adam.naples at yale.edu> writes:
>     Adam> Hi, I have been trying to get the latest version of
>     Adam> matplotlib to install (OS 10.3.5). the first attempt looked
>     Adam> promising and then crashed after a few minutes.  I
>     Adam> downloaded this file you linked to and all I get is.
> You shouldn't do this.  That file (written by me) was for an earlier
> version of matplotlib and the latest release includes those changes.
>     Adam> $ python setup.py install Traceback (most recent call last):
>     Adam> File "setup.py", line 52, in ?  from setupext import
>     Adam> build_agg, build_gtkagg, build_tkagg, \ ImportError: cannot
>     Adam> import name build_transforms
>     Adam> is this similar to the errors you were having?  any help
>     Adam> would be great.  thanks in advance -an
> No this is unrelated to Kenneth's earlier problems, which were related
> to not being able to find tkinter properly.
> Your build tree is out of whack since you are using the wrong
> setup.py.
> Make sure you read the install instructions at
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/installing.html including the OSX
> specific stuff, then get the latest tarball (0.63.0), rm -rf any old
> matplotlib packages you have a round, and trying anew.  Post any build
> errors you get and I'll help you sort them out.  Typically, only the
> first error message or two conveys any useful information.
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Robb Brown
Seaman Family MR Research Centre
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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