[Pythonmac-SIG] Replacing AppleScript by Python

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Fri Oct 8 21:49:10 CEST 2004

Olivier Croquette wrote:

>I am trying to control an application, namely iView MediaPro.
>Until now, I knew only about AppleScript, so I started doing it in
>AppleScript. But it is really a pain, and I am really missing Python!
>Today, I discovered the MacPython project and also PyObjC.
>The problem I have, is following: I created a Python-iView interface
>thanks to the "Generate OSA suite" from the PythonIDE.

aetools, gensuitemodule, etc. are due for replacement. Use appscript instead:


Get the latest version, 0.6.0. (Also requires aem and 
osaterminology.) Appscript wraps up application object model 
references - actually simple relational queries - in a layer of 
terminology-driven syntactic sugar similar to standard Python OO 
syntax. Much nicer to use than the clumsy gsm.

>There is visibly no exact equivalent between something like :
>tell application "iView MediaPro"
>   tell catalog 1
>    set mediaItem to import file MediaFile
>   end tell
>end tell

Not used IMP myself so I'm kinda guessing here, but the following 
should work (or at least come close):

from Carbon.File import FSSpec
from appscript import *

mediaItem = app('iView 



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