[Pythonmac-SIG] Python 2.3.4 Installation

tmk lists at netelligent.biz
Sun Nov 28 16:53:29 CET 2004

Hi Bob,

First I must confess that I don't really understand the details of the  
problem of building extensions with multiple versions of Python  
installed on Panther...

Out of curiosity I just checked and the lib/python2.3/config/Makefile  
file from my compiled from source python 2.3.4 don't appear to be  
patched with the patch below.

Am I correct in assuming that this is ok and that the patch below is  
only meant for the Apple-installed python 2.3?

Also in a separate but related e-mail you also suggested that one would  
"also need to set the "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" environment variable  
to "10.3" when using this patch."

Could you please elaborate on how/where one should set that environment  
variable (I set it in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist).

TIA for any advice.

= tmk =

On Sep 27, 2004, at 06:19, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2004, at 12:01 AM, Samuel M.Smith wrote:
>> There isn't much on the new 2.3.4 Mac Python. Does 2.3.4 fix the  
>> problem where you couldn't have
>> any framework version but the one that came with OSX (in this case  
>> 2.3 for Panther) ?.
> Yes the problem is fixed, but it's still present in the version of  
> 2.3.0 that ships with 10.3.. so once you install any other framework  
> build of 2.3 in the usual places, it will prevent any extension from  
> linking correctly for 2.3.0.
> It's possible to monkeypatch Python 2.3.0 so it's not broken in this  
> regard, though.  Here's a diff:
> ---  
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/ 
> python2.3/config/Makefile      Sun Mar  7 22:33:33 2004
> +++ /Users/bob/Makefile Sun Mar  7 22:32:16 2004
> @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
>  # Symbols used for using shared libraries
>  SO=            .so
> -LDSHARED=      $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -bundle -framework $(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)
> -BLDSHARED=     $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -bundle -framework $(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)
> +LDSHARED=      $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
> +BLDSHARED=     $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
>  DESTSHARED=    $(BINLIBDEST)/lib-dynload
>  # Executable suffix (.exe on Windows and Mac OS X)
>> Does the install
>> from source replace 2.3?
> No, it goes in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework with some symlinks  
> in /usr/local/bin
>> There were a lot of posts about problems building extensions and  
>> stuff with
>> a different version etc. Have those issues been resolved?
> Same answer as the first question.
>> More of a what is the current state of Python 2.3.4 framework on os x  
>> 10.3.5?
> Uh, it works fine?
> -bob
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