[Pythonmac-SIG] In panther where are Python Carbon files Qd, Quickdraw, etc?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Nov 22 19:04:37 CET 2004

On Nov 22, 2004, at 7:34 PM, Louis Pecora wrote:

> I switched to Panther (archive and install) and installed MacPython 
> Addons.  But there are files missing.  I tried to use the Piddle 
> plotting library (which worked in Jaguar), but now Qd.py, Quickdraw.py 
> and a host of other files are 'missing' .   A search shows that the 
> older versions were archived in
> /Previous Systems/Previous System 1/Library/Frameworks/...blah 
> blah/python2.3/plat-mac/Carbon/  (whew!  what a pathname!), but no new 
> versions appear in my /Library or any other folders.
> Is there a way to reinstall them?  I really don't want to try manually 
> moving them.  I'd probably screw something up.  And I'm probably 
> missing other things, too.
> Any ideas appreciated.   I miss that plotting package.

Maybe you need to install the latest Xcode as well?  I sure have them 
here, on my laptop, which has a relatively untouched and fresh 
(formatted before install) installation of OS X 10.3 and Xcode.


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