[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: NSObject.self(): Never mind

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Mon Nov 8 08:37:02 CET 2004

On 7-nov-04, at 9:44, Dethe Elza wrote:

> Well, I figured out the problem with 
> loadGSMarkupFile_externalNameTable_withZone_.  There is a class method 
> with that signature, that I *thought* I was calling, and an instance 
> method with that signature which I was *actually* calling, thus it 
> wanted an NSBundle for the self parameter.  Doh!

That's the only hard TODO item in PyObjC at the moment, caused by a 
semantic mismatch between Python and Objective-C. In Python instance 
and class methods live in the same name space, while they are in 
different namespaces in Objective-C. If a ObjC class has a class and 
instance method with the same name you currently have to do some extra 
work to access the class method, because the instance method is found 
first. It should be possible to work around this, but nobody got around 
to work on that yet.

This issue is really annoying when a class has an undocumented instance 
method with the same name as a documented class method :-(


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