[Pythonmac-SIG] PythonIDE problem

Michael Tobis tobis at geosci.uchicago.edu
Sun May 23 18:11:34 EDT 2004

I'm tutoring my wife in Python basics. We played around with Python
interactive long enough to get the feel for it and conclude that she is
interested, so I downloaded 2.3.3, partly so when we get to objects she
won't have to deal with two kinds, but mostly to get PythonIDE.

No problems with the download. I got PythonIDE working fine at first.

Problem: she had a couple of source files saved already on her OS X desktop,
so in Python -> Preferences -> Set Scripts Folder I chose ~/Desktop, or
maybe, if I was being foolish, /Desktop. Whichever I did, it was a bad idea,
and PythonIDE crashed horribly. No big deal, I'm happy to go fix it, but now
PythonIDE won't start. Ouch.

Symptoms: I get the splash box, and then the program quietly exits.

I reinstalled the entire 2.3.3 dmg, but apparently that didn't overwrite the
parameter that I clobbered. PythonIDE still won't start!

I therefore write this list for two reasons, presuming that the origin of my
problems is as I understand them.

Reason 1: bug report. I have discovered the hard way a way for a naive user
to permanently disable PythonIDE by making a simple mistake. Can someone
tell me to whom I should address this issue?

Reason 2: request for assistance. Presumably there is a parameter file
somewhere that I can alter or remove. Can anyone point me at it or at the
people who can assist me in finding it?

Michael Tobis

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