[Pythonmac-SIG] Bundlebuilder vs. save as applet

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Thu May 20 17:34:39 EDT 2004

On May 20, 2004, at 4:53 PM, has wrote:

> Jack Jansen wrote:
>> Good suggestions! I'm not sure how feasible the plugin idea would be 
>> (it would need to do GUI things, and I'm not sure we can pull off 
>> something that would work in, say, all of Cocoa, Tkinter and wxPython 
>> based GUI apps), but we may be able to come up with some sort of a 
>> trick that at least makes it look like a plugin.
>> Could you add a SF feature request, please, and assign it to me?
> Done. 957652: Implement BundleBuilder GUI as plugin component.
> If you don't want to tie it to a specific GUI toolkit (probably a good 
> idea), best solution may be to stick a generic interface between the 
> Controller and View layers. You can then provide alternative Cocoa, 
> Tkinter and wxPython View layers built to that interface as separate 
> modules, and allow the client to import the appropriate module for 
> their application.

Why not just have some sort of command line, pipe, and/or apple event 
interface to the bundle building application that IDEs and such can 
use, instead of trying to make the IDEs do everything on their own?

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