[Pythonmac-SIG] [ann] PyMod 0.3.0 released (still seeking feedback)

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Wed May 5 10:39:34 EDT 2004

Hi all,

Just posted a new version of PyMod for y'all to beat on. I've tweaked 
the UI a bit and added a 'Register with PyPI' convenience option for 
package authors, but the main addition is a first draft of the 
documentation. (See Help>PyMod Help.)

I'll submit it as a MacPython 2.4 feature enhancement request 
sometime next week, so the next few days would be a good time to get 
your initial 2c in. Things it definitely needs are a better name and 
better icon, and the docs could certainly use a good editing, plus 
anything else anyone can think of.

(Folk wanting to refresh their memories as to why I've written PyMod 
should check out the February-March thread titled 'PackMan engine 
version 0.4'.)



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