[Pythonmac-SIG] newbie bundlebuilder question

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Mar 30 13:54:06 EST 2004

Either start it up from the command-line or look in Console.  
Presumably it will fail with some traceback that tells you what is 
missing.  Have you read the bundlebuilder tutorial on the wiki ( 
http://pythonmac.org/wiki/BundleBuilder )?

On Mar 30, 2004, at 1:43 PM, Michael Tuminello wrote:

> yeah, it doesn't work.  :-)
> where do I start investigating why it isn't working? when you fire up 
> a bundled app, is there some way to find out how it's failing?  a log 
> or somethng? it appears to start (zoom-rects on double-click), but 
> does nothing.  bundling as semistandalone causes it to get slightly 
> further (briefly shows up as an active app)
> thanks -
> Michael
> On Mar 30, 2004, at 1:42 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> These are warnings, not errors.  A lot of the modules listed don't 
>> even apply to the mac, and it tries to find them because the code you 
>> are doing references them directly or indirectly (probably in 
>> platform checks).  Just ignore them, and ask questions when/if the 
>> app bundle doesn't work.
>> -bob

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