[Pythonmac-SIG] Building Python extensions in C++ with autoconf

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sat Mar 13 04:13:04 EST 2004

On Mar 12, 2004, at 9:17 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:

>> I don't know autoconf, but you *really really should use distutils*.
>> You wouldn't be asking this question if distutils was part of your
>> build process.
> OK, I'll switch, if you'll tell me how to:
> 1)  Detect current configuration settings, the way autoconf does, and

Every configuration setting *relevant to Python* is available from the 
distutils package.

> 2)  Build Java jar files with distutils, to make the non-Python half of
>     my distribution

I said *part* of your build process, not all of it.

There's no good reason that you can't build python extension modules 
with distutils as part of any build system, or at least use distutils 
to determine the correct compiler and linker flags.


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