[Pythonmac-SIG] Including appscript in MacPython distro?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Mar 9 09:49:08 EST 2004

On Mar 9, 2004, at 3:28 AM, has wrote:

> Question for Jack really, but putting it in public seems politest...
> With appscript already bettering MacPython's existing application 
> scripting support, I'm beginning to think about putting it forward for 
> inclusion in future MacPython distributions. How should I go about 
> this; what's required; and what do I need to do?
> (Note: The code itself still needs some hammering, but it should be 
> pretty sound in another month or two. Mostly I'm asking now about it 
> because I'm starting on the documentation, and as this is a fairly 
> major task I don't feel bad indulging in a bit of emotional blackmail 
> to ensure this'll actually be worth the time and effort.:)

I'm not sure what the process is for Jack to include something, but I 
just want to say that I'm in support of this.  I think that appscript 
works fine, and you are far more interested in maintaining it and 
writing documentation than I am for aeve.  I'll go as far as including 
appscript in my PyCon talk in lieu of aeve.  The first thing I would do 
is file a feature request on sourceforge.  Mailing list messages aren't 
very good "to-do" items :)

I'll review the appscript code when I get a chance and let you know if 
I have anything worth contributing from my current, unreleased, aeve 
codebase.  The low level bits (primarily the terminology parser and 
adaptation stuff) are quite nice.


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