[Pythonmac-SIG] Crash when using PyGame and click dock icon

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sat Jun 26 20:44:48 EDT 2004

On Jun 26, 2004, at 8:20 PM, Jerome wrote:

> Anybody else experience a crash with PyGame based python code? I
> haven't been able to figure it out because some games like
> Pathological don't seem to crash, but if I try to use it's pygame
> libraries and python libraries it still crashes when used with other
> code.
> Basically pygame at all is prone to crash if you cilck on the dock
> icon, sipmlest code i used to test:

Doesn't crash here, tell us about your configuration..  What relevant 
things you have installed, complete with version information.  The 
traceback and/or crash log could be useful as well.


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