[Pythonmac-SIG] Python bindings for DB XML

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sat Jan 24 12:32:02 EST 2004

On Jan 24, 2004, at 5:44 AM, Matt Patterson wrote:

> On 23 Jan 2004, at 13:27, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Jan 23, 2004, at 5:16 AM, Matt Patterson wrote:
>>> I'm trying to build the Python bindings for Sleepycat's DB XML and 
>>> I've gotten to the point where I need a pybsddb compiled against BDB 
>>> 4.2.52 rather than 4.1.25,
>> I'm pretty confused as to what your problem actually is?  
>> http://pybsddb.sf.net/ is where you would download the source for a 
>> newer pybsddb, and http://www.sleepycat.com/ is where you would do 
>> the same for BerkeleyDB.
> I have the latest pybsddb, and the latest BerkeleyDB. Berkeley DB has 
> been built and installed in /usr/local/ as per the BDB instructions.
> python setup.py build runs fine, and finds my /usr/local/ Berkeley DB 
> install
> When I run python test.py I get:
> Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
> And that is where I come unstuck.
>> Oh, by the way, getting "unstuck" means that you don't a problem :)
> Unstuck like a glued-together something becoming spontaneously 
> unglued...

You have multiple versions of Python installed.. you compiled the bsddb 
module (or something it is using) with a different version of Python 
than what you're testing it with.

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