[Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: PyOXIDE 0.5 - Cocoa based Python IDE

Glenn Andreas gandreas at delver.com
Fri Jan 16 11:08:01 EST 2004

After a long absense (mail problems, busy projects, holidays, etc...) 
I've _finally_ gotten to clean up and can release the latest version 
of PyOXIDE - and this time, the source is finally available!

Since the last vesion, the start of "projects" (groups of related 
scripts) has been added, as well as a remote debugger (note that 
there are still a number of issues with it, including problems with 
breakpoints not always working, and not being able to set variables). 
There have also been some serious bugs fixed in the editor, a few 
features there (showing line numbers works with wrapped lines, show 
invisibles works, etc...)

PyOXIDE 0.5 has only been tested with 10.3, but should work with 10.2 
(assuming it can find the python framework).  The sources are built 
using XCode 1.1 on 10.3, but again, probably would compile on 10.2 
with Project Builder (since they haven't been converted yet to XCode 
native projects).

PyOXIDE 0.5 is now available on my idisk (as PyOXIDE_0.5.dmg):

If you want to build from source, you'll need to get 
PyOXIDE_Src_0.5.dmg, and IDEKit_0.1.0d1.dmg (also built XCode 1.1 on 
10.3 but should build with ProjectBuilder on 10.2).  PyOXIDE source 
is covered under a BSD-style license.  The IDEKit framework is 
covered under LGPL, so you can freely link it in other projects.

At some point in the not-too-distant future, both with be converted 
to XCode native projects (and thus require 10.3 to build from 
source).  Retaining compatibility for 10.2, however, is an important 

Glenn Andreas                      gandreas at delver.com
Theldrow, Blobbo, Cythera, oh my!
Be good, and you will be lonesome

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