[Pythonmac-SIG] how to delete files which special characters on Mac OS 10.3

Dr. L. Humbert humbert at semsek2.ham.nw.schule.de
Mon Jan 12 15:41:38 EST 2004

I have to write a Python-script to delete files on Mac OS 10.3.
When I found out, that my cron-job 
stops at special filenames (for example) 
I wanted to delete those files with the finder (via trash),
but I had no success.
    error -43
Ok, so I decided to open a terminal and tried
    rm -rf *
in the directory, where those files "live".
But -- it did'nt work.

[ddi-balzac:~/MUELL/Dreck/1] hum% ls -l
ls: SIIHamm,Gí¶í»©chu.a.rtf: No such file or directory
ls: SIIMíµ¶í²¨engladbach,Kleinu.a.doc: No such file or directory

Now I want to solve the problem via a python-script:
Here it goes:

>>> dels=os.listdir(".")
>>> dels

>>> for i in dels:
...     os.remove("./"+i)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

Whats going on here?

If I look at those files in the finder, I see two symbols between
G and c

How is it possible to delete those files from a python-script?

	L. Humbert
Dr. L. Humbert <humbert at semsek2.ham.nw.schule.de>

Studienseminar Hamm - Fachseminar Informatik

Python 2.3.3 (#2, Jan  4 2004, 12:24:16)
>>> print 'RGFzIGlzdCBlaW4gc2No9m5lciBUYWcgLi4u\n'.decode("base64")

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