[Pythonmac-SIG] Applescript

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 7 05:07:23 EST 2004

On Wednesday 07 January 2004 05:05 am, Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
> 	As a newcomer to this list serv, I am rather in awe that
> someone of your experience and python talents have joined us. Welcome.


> 	I suspect that you like Linux style newsreaders and I am not

I'm currently most used to KNode, which, while being a Linux newsreader, 
actually imitates Windows' Outlook Express newsreading GUI functionality 
somewhat closely (with all kinds of little enhancements) -- something that, 
give or take a little, can be said of many KDE components.  But, for example, 
I'm not feeling any pain whatsoever doing most of my mailreading/answering on 
the iBook's Mail app, and some still on the Linux/KDE Kmail, like right now; 
yes, the GUIs are different, but both are sensible and consistent enough that 
I got used to switching between them in no time flat.  I just wish MacOSX 
came with a News app to go with the Mail one with a similarly simple and 
consistent interface...:-).

> too sure if you want a free or shareware product. Nonetheless, I like
> Thoth which is shareware at $25US. It is stable, easy to learn, very
> customizable and freely usable until you decide to pay for it. When

Ok, tx for the advice!  With MT-Newswatcher I was starting out fine until I 
started posting and found out that I apparently get no more than 4 lines' 
worth of screenspace to compose my post -- most of the screen's real estate 
is taken up by auxiliary controls and I don't see how to "maximize" the 
screenspace I get to actually compose my post... feels like writing mail on 
Yahoo's online mailreader -- usable in emergencies, but NOT comfortable AT 
ALL.  So, unless I can find out how to customize THAT, I'm ready to switch 

> etc. The feature I like the best is the filter field at the top of
> windows. I switch to regular expressions, type in an expression and
> only the matching messages are displayed. Very useful for me!

Sounds nice, yes.

> 	I would suggest the site http://www.versiontracker.com/macox/
> when you want to search for mac software. The programs are listed
> with user reviews with not too much flaming.

Thanks!  This meta-advice is particularly precious to me.


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