[Pythonmac-SIG] Distributing Python applications for the Mac

Konrad Hinsen hinsen at cnrs-orleans.fr
Mon Jan 5 06:03:48 EST 2004

On 04.01.2004, at 14:53, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> Package Manager is only good for distributing Python packages (as in a 
> collection of Python modules/extensions), not applications.  It 
> doesn't sound like you're trying to distribute Python packages, 
> because "users who don't know nor care much about Python" aren't going 
> to have any use for them.

It's a bit more complicated than that. I have a couple of libraries 
that contain all of the computational stuff. Then I have some Tk 
applications for those who wouldn't touch a text editor. The 
applications contain little more than the Tk interface.

It happens that users start with the Tk applications and then get 
sufficiently motivated to look at Python and my libraries. Ideally, 
they would then have them available ready to use already.

For Linux, I distribute RPMs for the libraries and the applications, 
and I was looking for the closest equivalent under MacOS. That seems to 
be fink, except that it doesn't seem to have the same popularity.

> sort of native GUI you may want to distribute application bundles with 
> an embedded version of Python and any included extensions, since you 
> can't depend on them being installed and Apple doesn't provide Python 
> 2.3.3 with any version of Mac OS X.
The Python version is not critical, all my stuff still works with 1.5.2.


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