[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: [pygame] python + pygame on OSX

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Feb 24 11:44:20 EST 2004

On Feb 24, 2004, at 11:34 AM, Keith Nemitz wrote:

> I'm currently developing a standalone app for OS X. I use a data 
> folder in the resources folder to contain all of my app specific 
> files. Now, from what I've read on this thread, it sounds like I 
> should be experiencing access/permission difficulties. My app has run 
> on three other Macs, and I just started having trouble with the third 
> one. I think it might be an access issue, but I haven't confirmed it.
> My app reads and creates files in its data folder.

You've misunderstood.  This is another issue entirely, having to do 
with packages inside applications that need data, not applications 
themselves that need data.

In any case, it is an extremely bad idea to write to the application 
bundle, and that may have something to do with your trouble.  The 
appropriate place for writing files would most likely be 
"/Library/Application Support/YourApplication" or 
"~/Library/Application Support/YourApplication", unless they are plist 


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