[Pythonmac-SIG] pygames event.get() ?

João Leão joaoleao at gmx.net
Tue Feb 3 13:35:56 EST 2004

Wayne Folta:

> Someone else mentioned that they haven't used pygame to do games. I'm 
> not sure exactly what I'm going to use it for, but it seems like a 
> nice interface for any kind of animated-ish interface whether a game 
> or a network tool.

That's my opinion too. I'm more interested in interactive / reactiv 
visual applications. So far i've used pygame to generate complex visual 
structures or semi-random images.*

If you like this kind of programming check http://www.visionegg.org/ (i 
think it makes some use of pygame too) although i've never installed 

* Processing < http://processing.org/ > is very nice too. Does anyone 
know it? It's written in Java and its syntax is like a simplified Java.
But after becoming a Python user Java seems so.... ugly...

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