[Pythonmac-SIG] BuildApplet in next distro of MacPython?

Kevin Walzer sw at wordtech-software.com
Wed Dec 29 23:43:06 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

| Back to the original problem, you said that these XML modules are
| specific to Eric3, which means that somewhere along the way Eric3 is
| doing some non-statement imports or exercising some bug in py2app
| 0.1.6.  Try it again with py2app 0.1.7, which was soft launched earlier
| today in expectation of a PyObjC 1.2 release later today or tomorrow
| morning (when I've built+tested the Jaguar package).  If that doesn't
| work, I'll take a look at Eric3 myself to see what's going on and either
| provide a workaround or compensate for what's going on in py2app 0.1.8.
| -bob

I installed 0.1.7 and gave it a try on the stable version (3.4.2) of
Eric3 that I'm shipping with my PyQt-distro. Everything built
flawlessly, reflecting the support you've added for PyQt.

The version of Eric3 that has been giving me problems across the board,
including with py2app, is 3.5.1. It's buggy and crashes whenever I'm
trying to save files. I have no idea why it does this, especially since
I have all the current dependencies built and installed correctly. There
was a bug in Qt 3.3.2 that caused problems with QScintilla, but that was
fixed for 3.3.3.

The problems with 3.5.1 were still there with the new version of py2app.
So, I'm convinced the issue is the new version of Eric, and it's so
buggy in general that I wouldn't waste any further time trying to tweak
py2app to work with it.

I'm waiting for the release of Qt 4 early next year, and then the
follow-up releases of PyQt. At that point I'll revisit Eric3.
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