[Pythonmac-SIG] BuildApplet in next distro of MacPython?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Dec 29 22:20:10 CET 2004

On Dec 29, 2004, at 1:40 PM, Kevin Walzer wrote:

> | py2app is a better choice than BuildApplet for PyOxide.  Adding 
> support
> | for BuildApplet before or in addition to py2app seems backwards.  
> Adding
> | support for alias mode is definitely important for something like
> | PyOxide, which would suit your use case (aside from machine
> | portability), and machine portability with a stupid bundle isn't 
> really
> | very useful or important, as I mentioned above.
> |
> | Perhaps in the future py2app will have a mode similar to alias mode 
> that
> | makes the stupidest dependency-free "self-contained" bundle that 
> could
> | possibly work (locally), but I am still unconvinced that this is more
> | useful than dangerous and confusing.
> If "save as applet" from PythonIDE is as non-portable as you say, I'm
> curious why I haven't gotten any bug reports on the apps I've built 
> that
> way. I do try to make the external dependencies (MacPython add-ons,
> wxPython, Tk, PyQt) explicit, and I do provide links for folks to
> download and install them. Perhaps that's the reason?

I said that py2app's alias mode is non-portable.  BuildApplet creates 
portable applications that work if all dependencies are expected to 
already be installed.  You probably haven't received bug reports 
because you have an audience of developers who are used to and willing 
to install all these dependencies.  Pointing them all out probably 
helps, too.


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