[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app error with _py_suffixes

Kevin Dangoor kid at kendermedia.com
Tue Dec 28 18:05:36 CET 2004

First of all, thanks for all of the work put into py2app! Hard to 
imagine how much time it would have taken me to figure out all of the 
various things that it does (particularly since I'm new to Mac development).

I was just going to rebuild an app and ran into this error:

  File "/purelib/py2app/py2app/util.py", line 203, in byte_compile
NameError: global name '_py_suffixes' is not defined

It was trying to byte compile a ".pyc" to a ".pyc"

I don't see _py_suffixes defined anywhere...

Thanks again for the cool tool


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