[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: [Pyobjc-dev] PyObjC py2app-branch merged to trunk

Victor Ng vng1 at mac.com
Sun Dec 5 16:29:25 CET 2004

Thanks for the tips - I'm on 10.3 and I've just gone through and  
deleted py2app and PyObjC files from /Library/Python/2.3/ and  
/System/Library/.../site-packages, reinstalled using the bdist pkg and  
still no luck.

I just tried everything on another 10.3 machine and everything works  
without any issues.  Weird. I've been getting other strange behavior on  
my computer - time to reinstall Panther.  crap.


On 4-Dec-04, at 12:02 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> After waking up a bit I realized this is could possibly be because you  
> didn't remove an old PyObjC installation first.  Do that, and then  
> reinstall.
> Using the bdist_mpkg installer (which will also install py2app) is  
> another way to wipe the old installation clean.  From the pyobjc  
> source tree:
> % python setup.py bdist_mpkg --open
> If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what to tell you, because it works  
> just fine on three computers here (one OS X 10.2 and two OS X 10.3)  
> with standard-enough configurations.
> -bob
> On Dec 4, 2004, at 11:45, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> What version of Mac OS X is this?
>> On Dec 4, 2004, at 10:36, Victor Ng wrote:
>>> I'm having problems with buliding the example applications - not
>>> really sure what I'm doing wrong.
>>> I've just installed py2app from it's svn trunk, and pyobjc from svn  
>>> trunk.
>>> When I run setup.py py2app on the CurrencyConverter example, I get an
>>> error dialog popping up with:
>>> ImportError:  
>>> '/Users/victorng/dev/pyobjc/trunk/pyobjc/Examples/CurrencyConverter/ 
>>> dist/CurrencyConverter.app/Contents/Resources/Python/lib-dynload/ 
>>> objc/_objc.so'
>>> not found
>>> When I try looking in the lib-dynload directory - I don't have any
>>> objc, AppKit or other directories that I think I'm supposed to be
>>> getting.
>>> Any pointers?
>>> vic
>>> On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 23:58:38 -0500, Bob Ippolito <bob at redivi.com>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> The py2app-branch of PyObjC has been merged to trunk, and  
>>>> development
>>>> will continue on trunk.  For those of you that have checked out
>>>> py2app-branch, please svn switch back to
>>>> http://svn.red-bean.com/pyobjc/trunk/pyobjc
>>>> Enhancements include but are not limited to:
>>>> - All buildapp.py scripts are gone, bundlebuilder is no longer used
>>>> anywhere.  Examples now have setup.py scripts and are built with
>>>> "python setup.py py2app".
>>>> - The way setup.py works has changed significantly.  It now  
>>>> supports a
>>>> bdist_mpkg command to build a .mpkg distribution containing both  
>>>> PyObjC
>>>> and py2app
>>>> - Includes a copy of what will be py2app 0.1.6 (or possibly 0.2.0 ..
>>>> depending on what else I change)
>>>> - Enhanced compatibility with the Apple Objective C runtime
>>>> - Bugfixes and minor feature additions on several other fronts
>>>> - A sandbox directory with some new half-baked ideas for a new
>>>> Objective C header parser
>>>> The Xcode template still does not support py2app.  I would recommend
>>>> that if you use Xcode, you should only use it for development.
>>>> Deployment should be done using py2app.
>>>> -bob
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