[Pythonmac-SIG] What is Your Favorite Text Editor?

Bob Savage bobsavage at mac.com
Sun Apr 11 20:10:30 EDT 2004

On Apr 11, 2004, at 12:45 PM, Christopher Fonnesbeck wrote:

> I favour vim for python coding, myself. The folding feature alone 
> makes it invaluable, and it has the best diff highlighting that I've 
> seen. If pdb wasnt broken on emacs, I would consider it, but until 
> then vim is my python editor of choice.

I also have been favorably impressed with Vim. BBedit is great (I like 
the shell worksheet feature in particular), but Vim has some very cool 
features (I like making instant macros because I can't seem to make 
just one mistake -- I usually have to fix the same type of thing four 
or five times). Plus I can ssh into my Mac at home from my PeeCee at 
work, where I write and test code using Vim before loading it on the 
production machine (MPE/ix OS, ugh!).


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