[Pythonmac-SIG] Installing tkinter on Panther w/o PackageManager?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Apr 2 16:26:06 EST 2004

On Apr 2, 2004, at 4:14 PM, Jack Jansen wrote:

> On 2 Apr 2004, at 03:28, W.T. Bridgman wrote:
>> Has anyone 'finalized' a procedure for installing tkinter without the 
>> PackageManager or Fink?  I can't find anything on the Wiki about this 
>> option.  Everyone seems to be pushing PM - not always an option for 
>> some installations.
> In the case of _tkinter (and I think readline, and possibly one or two 
> others) this is a bit of a problem, because I've built the binary 
> installers in an ad-hoc way: I built the modules from source during a 
> normal Python build and then manually stuffed them into a tarfile.
> But of course you could simply grab the tarfile and extract it in the 
> right place. I think if you're in / when you unpack the tarfile 
> everything will work fine.

Make sure to grab the right one (use the jaguar database if you are 
installing for a /Library/Frameworks python, and the panther database 
for /System/Library/Frameworks) because otherwise it won't work.

Why exactly is PM "not always an option", anyways?  It is possible to 
download+install a package from the command line, and as Jack says, the 
tarballs are easy enough to dink around with if you have to.


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