[Pythonmac-SIG] ANN: QuickTimeViewer 0.2

Dinu Gherman gherman at darwin.in-berlin.de
Wed Sep 10 19:58:57 EDT 2003


in the mood for more? "QuickTimeViewer" is a native Mac OS X demo
using PyObjC for loading and watching Quicktime movies from the
internet, given some URL. Please see the attached Readme below.
I think, this will be smoother for everybody to use...



Dinu C. Gherman
"As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to
commit atrocities." (Voltaire)



QuickTimeViewer is a Mac OS X demo viewer for Quicktime movies.


QuickTimeViewer is a GUI tool for downloading and playing Quicktime
movies. It has no other purpose than illustrating how simple it is
to implement a little tool performing an interesting task by using
Python and the PyObjC technology instead of more conventional ones.


QuickTimeViewer is very simple to use. You can choose between three
preset URLs in a popup-list or enter your own one in a text field.
QuickTimeViewer will then download the resource indicated by the
URL, assuming it's a Quicktime movie, and display it in the main
view. You can resize the window while the movie is playing.


:0.1: first release, relying on an external Python interpreter
:0.2: repackaged with Python 2.2.3 and PyObjC 1.0b included


There are no special requirements for running QuickTimeViewer. From
version 0.2 it ships as a standalone application which should be
running on any Mac OS X 10.x, althouth it was developped on 10.2.
As it comes with full source code you can build QuickTimeViewer
yourself, if you have Apple's developer tools installed, plus some
Python interpreter version 2.2 or higher, plus PyObjC 1.0b [1]_.


QuickTimeViewer is released under the GPL - see the included file,


The QuickTimeViewer distribution and screenshots are all available



For some unknown reasons you might have to click twice on the "Show"
button the first time you watch a movie.

QuickTimeViewer has no ambitions to come even close to Apple's
QuickTime Player [2]_. It is purely a demo.


I think QuickTimeViewer 0.2 is quite complete as a demo in terms
of functionality, but if you have suggestions for simple additional
features I'm glad to hear about them!


.. [1] http://pyobjc.sourceforge.net
.. [2] http://www.apple.com/quicktime/products/qt


Dinu Gherman,
dinu at mac dot com,

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