[Pythonmac-SIG] EasyDialog? Not quite what I need..

Kevin Ollivier kevino at tulane.edu
Mon Sep 8 11:01:03 EDT 2003

Hi Benjamin,

On Monday, September 8, 2003, at 09:45  AM, Schollnick, Benjamin wrote:

>> Have you considered going the wxPython route? It's
>> interesting in that
>> there is no free, cross-platform ZIP/UNZIP software, and I've always
>> thought that Python/wxPython would be the perfect combo for one. (At
>> our work we distribute free software to people in developing
>> countries,
>> so having this would be very nice. ;-) Just a thought!
> I'll take a look...  I previously examined WxPython earlier, but did
> not see any helpful documentation for getting started....  And I think
> they didn't yet have MOSX binaries...

Try the documentation on the Wiki at: 

It's much more complete than the getting started tutorial on the main 
site. The Wiki in general is a great place to find info on wxPython, 
although I do think that eventually a nice tutorial page should come 
out of all this.

> I'll have to see that I can make a portable binary, without having to
> hand out Wxpython, but it's a option.

If you mean an ".exe" file on Windows, and a ".app" on Mac, then yes, 
you can do both. (And I do so for my own wxPython application, 
EClass.Builder.) If you're talking about distributing the script 
itself, people would need to download wxPython to run it of course. 
(Hopefully this could be fixed in future versions of Python... =)



> I just printed out the Tutorial and I'll mess around a bit...
> 		- Benjamin
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