[Pythonmac-SIG] iChat channel

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Fri Oct 24 14:17:47 EDT 2003

On Oct 24, 2003, at 2:11 PM, Nicholas Riley wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 02:06:06PM -0400, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> On Oct 24, 2003, at 1:19 PM, Drew McCormack wrote:
>>> I just read on the CocoaDev list that they have a CocoaDev chat via
>>> iChat. I feel like someone has been having a massive party and I
>>> wasn't invited :-(
>>> Is there something like that for mac python development? If not,
>>> anyone interested? Maybe something like "MacPythonDev".
>>> The thing I like about IM is that you can get quick answers to little
>>> questions. A mailing list is great for the big debates and
>>> discussions, but the one liners are better handled through chat.
>> IRC probably makes more sense, because #python is also there.  We 
>> could
>> start a #macpython on irc.freenode.net
> Or people could hang out on #macdev like I do... it's pretty
> low-traffic as is, especially in comparison with #python.

I've been in there a few times semi-recently and it's been pretty 
worthless for me.. two years ago there were a few people that knew what 
was up, but I think they worked for Apple or something :)  I'd rather 
see a specific channel for MacPython.


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