[Pythonmac-SIG] [ann] AppScripting 0.1.0

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Wed Nov 19 12:10:13 EST 2003

Jack wrote:

>On 19 Nov 2003, at 10:11, has wrote:
>>More important stuff includes figuring out how to create 
>>typeAppSignature AEDescs (or equivalent) for apps like Address Book 
>>that don't have creator codes, and how best to implement the user 
>>interface for the by-test reference form (aka 'whose clauses').
>Assume that a LaunchServices or ApplicationServices or whatever 
>module will be available soon. That'll solve the first problem, 

Afraid I'm too ignorant of the lower workings of MacOS to give an 
answer. Must defer to smarter minds for that.

>The second problem is more of a design problem, Python has no 
>language construct for this that we could use. But the bad news is 
>that I don't have an easy solution either:-(

The options I can think of are:

1.  Let users work directly with the various test-related classes, eg:

    imagesRef = blah.blah.blah.whose(AS.is_in(AS.ref.name_extension, 
['gif', 'jpg', 'png']))

(This'd be simple to implement, but also the least pleasant to use.)

2. Let users express the test as an interpolated string that's parsed 
for meaning internally, eg:

    imagesRef = blah.blah.blah.whose('name_extension is in $', ['gif', 
'jpg', 'png'])

(This'd require a basic parser, but nothing I couldn't write myself. 
And Python folk are already used to %-interpolated strings so 
shouldn't find this variant too tedious.)

3. Let users express the test as a series of attribute accesses and 
method calls:

    imagesRef = blah.blah.blah.whose.name_extension.is_in(['gif', 'jpg', 'png'])

(This is just an extension of the approach ScriptingInterface uses to 
build OSA object specifiers - a series of chained __getattr__ calls 
hanging off a smart 'whose' object that assembles the OSA expression.)

Any thoughts?


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