[Pythonmac-SIG] Additional Package Manager database for 10.3 now available

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sun Nov 16 16:36:09 EST 2003

On Nov 16, 2003, at 4:09 PM, Martina Oefelein wrote:

>> Because Apple puts "site-packages" in /Library/Python/2.3, there is 
>> no obvious canonical place to put python scripts, except maybe 
>> /usr/local/bin.
> I think /usr/local/bin would be fine. A lot of packages install 
> command-line utilities there, therefore many people will have this 
> already in their path.

Me too, but I'm not particularly eager to change every setup.py for 
every package in my repository.  This change needs to happen in 
distutils.  I'd prefer to put things in an obviously-python directory 
(preferably in some structure such that it's obvious which 
module/package owns which script), and put convenience symlinks in 

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