[Pythonmac-SIG] Interactive Python Question

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Nov 10 20:03:41 EST 2003

On Nov 10, 2003, at 7:36 PM, Jason Clark wrote:

> Is there any way to get shell-style editing in Interactive Python?   
> When using MacPython IDE's interactive window, the arrow keys move you  
> around the window; when using Panther's cmdline python2.3 (which I  
> prefer), the arrow keys generate ctrl characters.  I'd really to have  
> shell editing behavior:  Up/Down arrow moves through history,  
> left/right arrows edit the current line, and emacs bindings (like  
> Ctrl-A & Ctrl-E) wouldn't be bad either.  I read somewhere that curses  
> support can be compiled into python, but I think they were talking  
> about writing python scripts that use curses, not the interpreter.   
> Any suggestions?

Install the readline module using Package Manager.  It won't do  
anything for you with the MacPython IDE, but it will "fix" the command  
line interpreter.

See also:  

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