[Pythonmac-SIG] Python Editor for Mac

Joancarles Casasin joanca at casasin.com
Mon Nov 10 15:26:50 EST 2003

On 10/11/2003 at 11:51, Kai Vermehr <k at eboy.com> wrote:

>I'm starting with Python on Mac and I'm searching for an editor. BBedit 
>seems to be the best choice at this moment ... but are there 
>alternatives? How about Xcode, SubEthaEdit or others?
>Any advice is welcome ... thanks! -- 'K:)

How about the MacPython-IDE itself?

There's also SubEthaEdit, a *very* cool editor where you can share with other users the same doc via Rendezvouz and script at the same time in the same document.
I miss running scripts directly from there but maybe will be solved in the near future.


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