[Pythonmac-SIG] Conflict between libjpeg in wxPython and PIL

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Mon Nov 10 06:25:55 EST 2003

On 7 Nov 2003, at 16:16, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> On Nov 7, 2003, at 10:09 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> On 7 nov 2003, at 15:51, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>>> It links against libtiff, and has a patch applied to the sources.. 
>>> it was mentioned to this list a while back, search for "TIFF Group 
>>> 4", the patch itself is at: 
>>> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/image-sig/2003-July/002354.html
>>> Also, I have mine linking against freetype as well, are you doing 
>>> that?
>> Do you have a kind of meta-packman that contains information about 
>> how to build the binary packages?
> I am the meta-packman :)  Generally I just make sure I have all the 
> correct stuff installed, sometimes I modify the setup.py (or create 
> one, that just puts the .so and .py files in the right place, in the 
> case of metakit or something).

There is no meta-packman yet, but it is definitely needed. I tend to 
think of this as the supplier-side of the PackMan architecture, the 
things that help the scapegoat to recreate everything from scratch (or 
that will help someone else take over if the scapegoat is hit by a 

For my database the problem is less than for Bob's, because I include 
the source builds too (and the binary builds are always created from 
the source builds in the database), and if at all possible I try to do 
the source build from the official tarbal of the package.

>> BTW. the pimp module doesn't seem smart enough to build packages that 
>> require multiple source achives (such as PIL + libjpeg + freetype).
> That's why I only really bother with binary archives.. last I checked, 
> the pimp module also isn't smart enough to build something that needs 
> any other steps happen before setup.py (like with PIL's libImaging), 
> so I think Jack is using one with a modified setup.py.

PackMan cannot handle downloading multiple source archives, but it can 
handle steps that need to happen before or after setup.py. See the 
build procedure for PIL from source in the official database, for 
Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl>        http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

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