[Pythonmac-SIG] new user with round-a-bout questions

Byron Amerson byronea at u.washington.edu
Fri Nov 7 12:38:54 EST 2003

Hi, new-ish to using python on my mac.  After a lot of monkeying around
with installs(read 6 or seven in the last 4 days) I have some quetstions
that, I think, are elemenatry in nature...

A bit of background:  I have been getting together the bits to build GRASS
- an open source GIS.  Two pieces in particular optionally use python:
postgres and gdal.  To make a long story short: I removed the python
from OSX 10.3.  I tried the fink install but gdal could not see it.  So I
removed that install and just built it the unix way and it runs just
fine(version 2.3.2).
Now my when I run configure-make for postgres(7.4beta5), make gripes
that libpython is not shared - which I asked configure to do when I built
python. (gdal sees python now, but not the Numeric headers, alas)

Is there a way to see if python indeed does/does not have shared libs?

Should I just install MacPython?  will the binary for 10.2
work, or is there a way to re-install from the panther dics? and then
patch with your handy patches?

Feedback is greatly appreciated - thanks in advance.

Byron Amerson
MS student
University of Washington
Department of Earth and Space Sciences

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