[Pythonmac-SIG] Conflict between libjpeg in wxPython and PIL

Ronald Oussoren oussoren at cistron.nl
Fri Nov 7 10:09:44 EST 2003

On 7 nov 2003, at 15:51, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> It links against libtiff, and has a patch applied to the sources.. it 
> was mentioned to this list a while back, search for "TIFF Group 4", 
> the patch itself is at: 
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/image-sig/2003-July/002354.html
> Also, I have mine linking against freetype as well, are you doing that?

Do you have a kind of meta-packman that contains information about how 
to build the binary packages?

BTW. the pimp module doesn't seem smart enough to build packages that 
require multiple source achives (such as PIL + libjpeg + freetype).


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