[Pythonmac-SIG] pygame/PyOpenGL "kitchensink" distribution of Python2.3a2 available

Andrew Straw andrew.straw@adelaide.edu.au
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 17:54:54 +1030

I have recently released a Python2.3a2 "kitchensink" build featuring 
pygame and PyOpenGL for Mac OS X. I would like for people to test this 
and get back to me with any comments.  It's currently available through 
the Vision Egg website at 
<http://www.visionegg.org/install-macosx-details.html> .  After a test 
period, we are planning on moving it to the pygame site, and then 
hopefully integrate it into PacakageManager.

After you've gotten pygame (the API), you might want some pygames.  The 
pygame website at <http://www.pygame.org/> is a great starting point.  
I recommend SolarWolf at <http://www.pygame.org/shredwheat/solarwolf/>
