[Pythonmac-SIG] Working with the PPM

Kevin Ollivier kevino@tulane.edu
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 14:01:33 -0800

Hi all,

I've gotten a chance to work with the Python Package Manager, and 
thought I'd post my comments/experiences here.

First, the bug:  =)

When I ran the PPM, I tried to install the Python Imaging Library. The 
install seems to have gone correctly (all the files are there), but the 
program froze up and I had to perform a "force quit". PPM showed the 
package as installed when I restarted it.

Now, I will admit I'm trying this on a non-standard setup. My iMac's 
video card choked and the new part was back-ordered, so I'm booting the 
iMac HD by hooking it up to my Powerbook via Firewire target mode while 
I await the new part. =) So it could be the situation is unique to 
booting from other volumes than the root volume.

Now, the questions:

1. Will it really install the Apple Dev Tools if you don't have them??? 
This would really, really, rock. =) Just van Rossum was discussing the 
use of otool for bundlebuilder.py, but otool only comes with the ADT, 
so having the ability to install prereq apps in general would be very 

2. Where's the database? =) I'm curious to see how it is set up, but 
sniffing through the PPM code I don't see any filename listed. I could 
be missing something, but it seems to just magically know where to load 
the file from.

3. Is this compatible with the new "Python Package Index" on the Python 
web site? I know these are both very new initiatives, so I was just 
wondering. =)

4. What's the timeframe for a 2.3 Python final release, and how much 
further were you hoping/planning on going with it before then?

That's it for now. I think this tool has great potential - just 
clicking a button to install makes the whole process a no brainer. 
Thanks for taking the time out to put this together!
