[Pythonmac-SIG] Retroactively adding readline support to OS X

Calvin calvin at xmission.com
Wed Jun 25 22:45:27 EDT 2003

I just downloaded this and ran it.  the build seems to go okay, but I 
still don't have readline...is there something I'm missing?  I've got 
readline.so in site-packages, but dang i wish I my up key worked.  

I already had readline 4.3 built into usr/local/ I even copied it into a 
 /sw to trick packagemanager into installing it, but it doesn't seem to 
make a difference. 

Any help would be appreciated.  


> Almost equivalent to b.bum's readline-0.0.0 hack, this one downloads 
> readline 4.3, compiles a static libreadline.a, and link the python 2.3 
> readline.c against that.  This avoids any 
> PrivateFrameworks/readline.framework version compatibility issues 
> because it's linked to a static version of readline, so it should be 
> safe to redistribute the resultant binary so long as you comply with 
> the relevant licenses.  It should also be safe to redistribute this 
> "source" archive under the same license as Python.
> It's available at:  http://undefined.org/python/readline-0.0.1.tgz
> It should work for anyone who has Python 2.3b1 or later.  It's been 
> reported to work for Python 2.3b1 on OS X 10.2 and the Apple Python 
> provided with developer preview of Panther.
> -bob

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