[Pythonmac-SIG] Panther - Python and Quartz

Just van Rossum just at letterror.com
Tue Jun 24 08:52:20 EDT 2003

boyle5 at llnl.gov wrote:

> I have just looked at the description of OS X 10.3 (Panther) at
> MacCentral ( http://maccentral.macworld.com ). One line caught my
> attention: " the ability to access Quartz graphics from Python
> programs"
> I went through the panther preview at Apple but did not see any
> mention of what this capability really means. I am sure we will find
> out in the fullness of time, but if any group has some inside
> information it would be this one.

Interesting, especially since we've been having access to (a subset of)
Quartz since the introduction of the (Carbon.)CG module, which was
around 2.2. Would they mean something else?


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