[Pythonmac-SIG] OT: cvs client for OS-9

Ryan Wilcox ryanwilcox at mac.com
Mon Jun 9 22:47:26 EDT 2003

On 6/9/03, at 5:23 PM, Chris Barker said:

>Hi folks,
>This is off-topic, but can anyone recommend a cvs client for OS-9? I'm
>trying ot get some of my colluegues to use cvs, but some of them are
>still using OS-9, so I need to find a client that works well for them.
>I'm trying out MacCVS and MacCVSClient, but at the moment I can't get
>either one to talk to my server. 

I use MacCVS Pro (http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/maccvspro/)

With MacCVS Pro your CVSROOT is simply the path to your CVS repository on your

You've got two important fields:

Server Hostname: ORR6072.orr.noaa.gov in this case (I'm guessing at your

CVS ROOT: /home/tap/cvs

-Ryan Wilcox

Wilcox Design: Understanding Data              http://www.wilcoxd.com

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