[Pythonmac-SIG] aqua Tk

Russell E Owen owen@astro.washington.edu
Thu, 27 Feb 2003 10:00:24 -0800

>  > >>Although, I highly recommend NOT using aquaTk.
>>  >
>>  >I'll bite: Why not?
>>  It's unstable (something of a late alpha quality) and ugly on OS X, you
>>  should use PyObjC if possible, if not, try wxWindows (if the GUI has to
>>  be cross-platform) or something.. tkinter is kind of old and convoluted
>  > too...

I've personally found aqua Tk 8.4.1 (the current version last I 
checked) to be just fine. It has a few cosmetic bugs that I've 
reported (insertion cursor sometimes not shown in a right justified 
entry widget, lines on canvasses are off by one pixel relative to 
unix (which was also true in MacOS 9)), but my telescope GUI seems 
perfectly stable.

I don't mean to dismiss your own experience -- my code may well not 
tickle he bugs you've seen. However, I would be interested in knowing 
of any serious bugs. And did you see them in 8.4.1 (aqua Tk 8.4 was 
definitely buggy)?

-- Russell